Aging Runners
Are You of Age 35 or Older and Desire to Become Quicker, Not Stiffer When You Run?
I know from how annoying it can be when you have an injury interfere with your training, daily activities, or a major event because I too was an injured runner in the past.
These injuries can become more crippling as we get older, keeping us away from our favorite sport longer than we’d like.
You Have Two Choices if You Get Injured While Running:
#1 – Try handling it on your own by taking small steps, but you have to be aware that there’s a good chance it’ll bite you later on.
#2 – Decide to seek assistance to deal with it (and prevent it from happening again!)
I guarantee that you will be rewarded if you decide to seek help to get over your running pain or injury.
What Do You Prefer?
Here Is the Guide’s Preview... The Complete Version Is Available by Clicking Here!
If you now have a running injury, you won’t just be able to run free of pain once more; instead, you’ll develop into a strong, tough, knowledgeable runner who will ultimately enrich your life because of what running means to you.
I’m here to assist you in resuming your running activities.
You May Have Heard:
- As you get older, it's common to have those pain while running.
- You have to tone down your running habit as you become older.
The Reality Is...
- Running pain is not typical at any age, and it is possible to run free of pain!
- You just have to be aware of how to deal with any body changes that may be undergoing as they take place, not slow down!
You don’t have to forgo your favorite runs in favor of issues that can be resolved.
Dr. Spencer Agnew, PT, DPT, CSCS
Founder of Peak Endurance Physical Therapy